Anyways, I decided to outline a few of the CJ's/MD's I've been watching/lurking around lately. Mind you, these are relatively new; you guys don't really need me to tell you that I frequent journals like Three Rivers Region or Tierra de la Oscuridad all the time. No, these are some of the new CJ's that I've taken a rather strong liking to, and that I think you should check out whenever you have a bit of time for yourself.
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[The Republic of Osprey], by xlchrisij
created on 7-25-08
The tagline for this CJ reads "The Wonderfull American Styled CJ." As I am a sucker for realistic American-styled cities, I decided to check it out. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed. The Republic of Osprey is a city journal that is in the Adrian Union, and it really piqued my interest in that group of CJ's. As soon as I saw the very first picture, I was hooked. The city xlchrisij has created reminds me quite a bit of Aleking's work (and in case you don't know, I'm a huge fan of Aleking's work). The dense-but-not-overcrowded CBD is a definite highlight here; it's not big, but it is very beautiful, and it gradually fades out in desity. The bridge that runs right next to it is almost as iconic as Sydney's Harbor Bridge (which, coincidentally, is the style that the Polisbay Bridge is built in).
xlchrisij's photo editing (mainly in the form of SoftGlow) is also done very well; never over done, but noticeable enough to have an impact on the photo. There aren't too many words in the CJ, so you can focus most of your attention on the pictures themselves--this is a lesson I could learn myself ;-). In all honesty, it's one of the best laid-out cities I've seen in a long time, and it shouldn't be missed by anyone.
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Revelstoke is definitely one of the hottest CJ's on SimTropolis right now. rusty_777 first reeled me in with his thorough self-introduction (we got to see the "wizard behind the curtain," so to speak), and then had me intrigued by his city's logo (in fact, it spurred me to ask ST's Logo-Creation Team to make one for Condor Bay). What really keeps me coming back for more, however, is the crisp presentation of his city: rusty_777's newspaper is as good as they come, and every picture is presented with easy-to-read labels and descriptions.
Of course, this would be all for naught if it weren't for his city-building skills, so it's a good thing that he can masterplan an urban area as well as anyone. He doesn't hesitate to create realistic suburban sprawl that streteches on for entire city tiles, and his avenues, as sparce as they are, ripple with life. His picture editing is spot-on, and every picture demands its time to be admired. Trust me, if you haven't checked out Revelstoke yet, you're really missing out on one of the best new CJ's out there.
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[Typographia], by etherian
created 5-28-07
This MD on SC4 Devotion takes advantage of perhaps the most unique concept to building a city I think I've ever witnessed: basing them on the style of different font faces. That's right: Garamond, Lucida...font faces. Using the style and history of these font faces (along with the feelings and connotations that are subconsiously attributed to them), etherian crafts out neighborhoods and cities to match. Not only is he a master of the fonts, but he's a great city builder, as well. Even as each font is different, each city still maintains that same "x-factor" that immediately identifies it as his own.
The cities are built on multi-tier'd landscapes, the SAM is used everywhere, and both high- and low-density developments can be found. etherian's use of tilt-shift is also well-done, as each picture that employs the technique is memorable. And then there's that mosaic on page 4...well, you just have to see it for yourself. etherian has taken a truly novel approach to creating this MD, and I daresay this unique aspect is succeeding in all regards so far.
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[Stratton Bay], by Stratton_Mayor
created 5-07-2008
Renamed from Stratton after realizing that there was already a much more well-established CJ by that name, Stratton Bay caught my eye with liberal use of soft 45 degree curves for avenues and freeways. At the beginning, that seemed to be the main thing going for it...until it had to be rebuilt due to an unfortunate glitch. After this, Stratton_Mayor had my full attention. The newly-regrown CBD was a perfect size for a city like Stratton Bay: nice and small, with three stand-out towers. The neighborhoods became more distinct, and the layout was improved. There was also a greater showcase of custom BAT's (always a plus). Everything seemed to be going right in Stratton Bay.
The only thing about it is that the author, Stratton_Mayor, hasn't posted an update since June the 15th. The reason behind the delay remains unclear as of yet, but I hope it is nothing serious. I see so much potential in this CJ, and really wish to see it flourish. While we wait for S_M's return, however, I urge you to check out Stratton Bay. You won't be disappointed ;-).
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Well...that's all I've got. All of those CJ's/MD's come highly recommended by me, so yeah...check 'em out! I may or may not have another CJ-themed blog up soon, we'll have to see. In the meantime, it's 2:48 a.m. where I am. I think bed sounds good.
Mas- thanks for the mention. You've somehow, ahh... missed one named Condor Bay, though.
Nice blog! Bookmarked.
David (dedgren)
Wow, thank;s for the comment on here (it's rusty_777 by the way). I hope to see you commenting on my CJ more! Thanks again
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